How to Create an Interactive PDF: Complete Guide For 2024

Interactive PDFs are digital documents that allow users to engage with content beyond just reading. Their goal is to provide an immersive and interactive experience that enhances the reader’s engagement with the material. Interactive PDFs offer a wide range of features, such as clickable links, embedded videos, audio files, and interactive forms that allow readers to interact with the document.

Numbers speak for themselves, as 81% of marketers indicate that interactive content is much more effective at hooking people’s attention than static content. Thus, interactive PDFs are an excellent tool for businesses looking to improve engagement with their clients and customers.

These PDFs can include clickable buttons, links, videos, and other interactive elements that provide a more immersive experience. By creating interactive PDFs, businesses can deliver more engaging content to their audience while also collecting valuable data on user engagement and preferences.

In this article, we will convert the concept of interactive PDFs and explore their benefits. We will look at some of the key features that make them unique and how they can be used to create engaging and informative content.

Definition and main benefits of interactive PDF

An interactive PDF is a type of digital document that allows users to interact with the content within the PDF, such as by clicking on links, filling out forms, or playing media. One of the main benefits of interactive PDFs is that they can provide a more engaging and dynamic user experience compared to static PDFs. They can be helpful for collecting data and feedback from users, streamlining workflows by allowing for electronic signatures and form submissions, and enhancing accessibility by including features such as alternative text and keyboard shortcuts.

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Why should you care about interactive PDFs?

Companies should care about interactive PDFs because they provide a more engaging user experience and can streamline workflows. Interactive PDFs can also be used to collect valuable data and feedback from users, making them useful tools for market research and customer engagement. Additionally, interactive PDFs are easily shareable and accessible on various devices and platforms, which can help to expand a company’s reach and impact. To improve customer engagement and retention, consider implementing tools like Walkme or one of the more user-friendly Walkme alternativesto make the onboarding stage smooth and positive.

Five steps to creating an interactive PDF

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1. Create a plan

Building an interactive PDF requires careful planning and attention to detail. A well-designed interactive PDF should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and functional. To create an effective plan for building an interactive PDF, it is important to consider several key elements.

First, it is essential to determine the purpose of the interactive PDF. Is it meant to educate, inform, or entertain? Once the purpose has been established, the designer can identify the necessary content, layout, and features required to achieve the desired outcome.

Next, the designer should consider the target audience and their preferences. The audience’s preferences will influence the design of the interactive PDF, including the color scheme, typography, and interactivity features. It’s good to use a mockup generator to quickly visualize the product and add it to the PDF.

It is also crucial to ensure that the interactive PDF is compatible with various devices and software platforms. This will ensure that the audience can access the PDF and enjoy its features without any issues. At the stage of distributing and promoting interactive PDFs via email, it will be a wise idea to use an email verifier along with best email marketing services. This process will ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of email communication related to PDFs.

When creating the interactive PDF, designers should pay attention to the user experience (UX). This includes the layout, navigation, and functionality of the interactive PDF. It should be intuitive and easy to use, with clear instructions and feedback for the user.

2. Add links and buttons

When building an interactive PDF, it’s essential to make it engaging and easy to navigate. One way to do this is by adding links and buttons to your PDF. Adding links and buttons is a simple process that can help readers navigate through the document more efficiently. Links can be used to direct readers to specific pages, websites, or email addresses. Buttons, on the other hand, can be used to trigger specific actions, such as opening a video or submitting a form.

To add a link or button to your PDF, you first need to select the object you want to make interactive. This can be an image, text box, or any other element that you want to use as a button or link. Once you’ve selected the object, you need to open the “Actions” panel in your PDF editor. From there, you can choose the type of action you want to add, such as opening a web page or jumping to a specific page in the PDF.

3. Embed videos to your PDF

Embedding videos to PDF documents can be an excellent strategy to make them more engaging and interactive. While PDF documents are traditionally used for static content, including videos can help to create quality content and make the document more dynamic and help readers better understand the content. Embedding videos to PDFs is easy and can be done using various software programs.

One way to embed a video into a PDF is by using Adobe Acrobat. This software allows users to insert videos in several formats, such as MP4, FLV, and SWF. To do this, simply go to the Tools menu, click on the Rich Media tab, and select the video icon. From there, you can browse your computer and choose the video file you want to add. You can then position the video on the page and adjust its size to fit your document’s layout. You can also set the video to play automatically or on click.

4. Include images in your PDF

Interactive PDFs take this a step further by allowing users to interact with the document, such as by filling out forms or clicking on links. Adding images to interactive PDFs can make them more engaging and visually appealing. Moreover, you can put interactive PDFs in the email body to make transactional emails and marketing emails more engaging.

There are several ways to include images in interactive PDFs. One way is to simply insert the image into the document using a PDF editor. This can be done by selecting the “Insert Image” option from the menu and selecting the image file. The image can then be resized and positioned as needed.

Another way to include images in interactive PDFs is to use image-based buttons. This involves creating a button that is linked to an image file. In case the user clicks on the button, the image is displayed. This is a useful technique for creating interactive menus or galleries.

Image maps are another option for including images in interactive PDFs. These types of images have been divided into clickable regions, each of which is linked to a different location in the document or on the web. This can be used to create interactive diagrams or maps.

When including images in interactive PDFs, it is important to consider the file size. Large images can make the file slow to load and difficult to navigate. To avoid this, especially when you want to create PDFs on iPhone, images should be optimized for the web, with a resolution of 72 DPI and a file size of no more than 100KB.

5. Don’t hesitate to add GIFs

Adding GIFs to interactive PDFs can greatly enhance the user experience and make your content more engaging. GIFs are animated images that can be created using various software tools or found on the internet. When incorporated into a PDF, GIFs can add a touch of humor and emotion or simply convey complex information in an easily understandable manner. To add a GIF to an interactive PDF, you first need to ensure that the PDF creation software you are using supports the inclusion of multimedia content. Adobe Acrobat, for example, is a commonly used software that allows users to insert GIFs into PDFs.

It is important to note that while GIFs can make your interactive PDFs more engaging, they can also increase the file size of the PDF. As such, it is advisable to optimize the GIFs by reducing their file size or limiting their duration to avoid slowing down the PDF’s loading speed. You should also ensure that the GIFs are relevant and add value to your content.


In conclusion, interactive PDFs are an excellent tool for businesses to enhance their communication, branding, and marketing efforts. With the ability to add multimedia elements such as videos, animations, and links, interactive PDFs provide a dynamic and engaging experience for clients and customers. They can be used for different reasons, such as presentations, tri-fold brochures, forms, and reports.

Interactive PDFs are also cost-effective, eco-friendly, and easy to distribute digitally. By utilizing interactive PDFs, businesses can increase their productivity and efficiency while delivering high-quality and engaging content. Therefore, it is highly encouraged for businesses to consider the use of interactive PDFs for their business purposes.

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