CMRP Exam Preparation: Sample Practice Question Test & Answer

two engineers preparing for asme certification

In the maintenance and reliability field, obtaining the Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP) certification is highly regarded. Recognized globally, the CMRP certification validates your ability to effectively manage assets, optimize maintenance strategies, and drive organizational excellence.

Table of Contents

This article delves into the CMRP examination, providing insights into practice and sample tests with official answers published by the Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP). By exploring these questions and answers, you can gain valuable knowledge and equip yourself to succeed in pursuing CMRP certification.

How Many Questions Are There in The CMRP Exam?

The CMRP exam consists of 110 multiple-choice questions with four options and only one correct answer. CMRP test takers are given two and a half hours to complete the exam, which is closed-book, meaning no reference materials are allowed. Examinees can use online calculators for calculations, but external calculators are prohibited.

The CMRP exam is structured into five parts, each focusing on a specific content area. Here is the breakdown of the exam structure:

1. Procurement/Product Value Analysis
2. Inventory Distribution Management
3. Information Systems and Data Management
4. Finance
5. Strategic Planning, Leadership, and Compliance

What Are The Benefits of Studying Practice and Sample Tests Before Taking CMRP Certification?

Studying practice and sample exams before attempting the CMRP certification offers several advantages:

1. Exam Familiarity

You become acquainted with the CMRP exam’s format and structure by practicing with sample exams. This familiarity helps reduce anxiety and increases confidence during the actual exam.

At the same time, sample exams allow you to reinforce your understanding of CMRP exam topics. By attempting practice questions, you can identify areas that require additional study and focus your preparation accordingly.

2. Time Management

Using sample exams helps develop effective time management skills. Simulating the exam conditions allows you to practice allocating the right amount of time to each question, ensuring you can complete the exam within the given timeframe.

You can also develop effective strategies to maximize your performance. For example, you can experiment with different approaches, such as tackling easier questions first or managing time efficiently.

3. Identifying Weaknesses

Practice exams help you identify strengths and weaknesses in different exam areas. Analyzing your performance on sample questions enables you to focus on areas that need improvement.

Engaging in practice exams assists in identifying both strengths and weaknesses within different areas of the exam. Through a thorough performance analysis of sample questions, you can effectively concentrate their attention on areas that require improvement.

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What Are CMRP Practice Questions Published by SMRP?

SMRP publishes CMRP practice test designed to assist you in preparing for the CMRP certification exam. These practice questions are specifically created to mimic the format and content of the actual exam. Below are fifteen practice questions that SMRP publishes.

1. Which one of the following is generally true?

a. Construction contractors are usually equally skilled at performing all maintenance tasks

b. Maintenance is often reduced through project designs that provide in-place spares for all rotating equipment and heat exchangers

c. Reliability Centered Maintenance can be applied on capital projects in the pre-construction stage to determine the maintenance plan

d. Most mechanics can easily alternate between doing capital project work and doing equipment diagnosis and repair work

2. What are the three most significant constraints when developing a Maintenance and Reliability organization?

a. Culture / People / Resources

b. Budget / Operations / People

c. Engineering / Human Resources / Budget

d. Culture / Engineering / Budget

3. Weibull (life data) analysis is primarily used for:

a. Maintainability analysis

b. Probability of failure determination

c. Life-cycle cost analysis

d. On-time ratio calculations

4. A large manufacturing company installed some asset monitoring devices on some large motors that were deemed critical equipment. The monitoring devices provide engineering with vibration data, acoustic data, as well as operational performance data. What asset management strategy has the company selected for the motors?

a. OBM (Operational Based Maintenance/CM (Corrective Maintenance)

b. PM (Preventive Maintenance/OBM Operator-Based Maintenance)

c. CBM (Conditioned Based Maintenance)/PDM (Predictive Maintenance)

d. CBM (Condition Based Maintenance/CM (Corrective Maintenance)

5. If a machine is run for 500 hours and five failures are observed during this period, what is the Mean Time Between Failure?

6. Which of the following most effectively makes up the members of a Manufacturing Team?

a. Sales/Customer/Production/Supplier/Senior Management

b. Maintenance/Engineering/Production/Human Resources

d. Senior Management/Production/Human Resources

7. A skills audit is undertaken to:

a. Help an organization understand skills in its industry.

b. Help an organization understand skills it requires.

c. Benchmark skills against other companies.

d. Develop employee training plans for the next year.

8. Of the following, what is the best method for measuring employee skills and training?

a. Maintain a skills inventory and tracking database

b. Ask employees to keep a training notebook

c. Keep records of all formal training courses taken

d. Have employees complete annual self-evaluations

9. When training maintenance workers, it is best to first:

a. List all the tasks the workers need to perform

b. Check the budget to set how much to spend per worker

c. Review the list of classes already taken by the workers

d. Give classes to all workers on basic skills

10. What relationship should Maintenance and Reliability Teams have with customers and suppliers for optimum effectiveness?

a. Purchasing should be the only communicators with suppliers

b. Management should be the only communicators with customers and suppliers

c. Team members should be involved in communicating with customers and suppliers

d. Sales should be the only department communicating with customers.

11. Which of the following metrics definitions is not accurate?

a. Uptime – % of time you run producing quality product at design rate

b. Schedule compliance – how often mechanics are pulled off their current work to another task

c. MTBF – a measure or indicator of equipment life expectancy

d. Backlog – how long it takes to fix broken equipment

12. Which of the following does not support people development?

a. Providing feedback only when asked

b. Defining result areas, goals, and measurements

c. Coaching, feedback, and encouragement

d. Defining training and skills goals

13. From the following list, which is not a critical structural element of a strategic plan for

maintenance and reliability?

a. Current levels of performance

b. Benefits available through implementation

c. Historical direction of the business

d. Vision of the future state

14. Which performance result best shows a maintenance and reliability manager that the

scheduled maintenance activities being implemented are effective?

a. Hours spent on unscheduled maintenance have decreased

b. Maintenance cost per unit of production has decreased

c. Total annual maintenance cost has decreased

d. Production rate has increased

15. When the time period between the testing which detects a failure, for failures with significant economic consequences, and when life expectancy is highly variable, a good approach is:

a. More frequent periodic predictive testing

b. Structured preventive maintenance

c. On-line condition monitoring

d. Time-based rebuild or change out

1: C; 2: A; 3: B; 4: C; 5: D; 6: C; 7: B; 8: A; 9: A; 10: C; 11: D; 12: A; 13: C; 14: A; 15: C;

certified maintenance reliability professional - oil and gas training by PetroSync

What Are CMRP Sample Questions Published by SMRP?

These CMRP sample test, provided by SMRP, aim to simulate the format and content of the actual exam. Below are ten sample questions that SMRP publishes.

1. The best way to ensure that a full-face respirator has a positive seal is to place the palms of your hands:

a. Over the discharge and inhale

b. Over the inlet and inhale

c. On the front and press toward your face

d. On the bottom and push up

2. According to industry standards, at which minimum working height would an individual be required to wear a safety harness?

3. In OSHA regulations, the term point-of-operation protection device refers to what feature in maintenance?

b. Machine guarding

c. Personal protective equipment

d. Pre-operational inspection

4. Which of the following is an example of a predictive maintenance task?

a. Changing oil on an hour meter set point

b. Changing V belts once a year on a fan drive

c. Lubricating equipment on a set schedule

d. Monitoring with a vibration equipment

5. The opening of a relief valve is caused due to an increase in:

6. There are often multiple reasons when equipment fails. What is the appropriate tool to use to determine the reason?

a. Cause and effect analysis

b. Equipment failure analysis

c. Process failure analysis

d. Root cause analysis

7. What instrument checks the quality of an electric motor’s insulation resistance?

a. A megohmmeter

c. A volt-ohmmeter

d. A light meter

8. What is the main advantage of a flexible coupling over a rigid one?

a. They can accept shock loads

b. They are easier to install

c. They are less expensive

d. They compensate for some misalignment

9. What type of mechanical damage to a centrifugal pump can be caused by cavitation?

a. Pitting and erosion

b. Motor current under load

c. Premature gasket failure

d. Scaling and clogging

10. When performing an alignment on a new idler pulley on a belt conveyor, you must start with the belt in what load condition?

1: B; 2: B; 3: B; 4: D; 5: A; 6: D; 7: A; 8: D; 9: A; 10: C

Where Can I Access The Full CMRP Practice Questions?

To access practice questions for the CMRP certification, visit the official website of the Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals (SMRP). The SMRP website is a reliable source that frequently offers practice questions to aid in CMRP exam preparation.

Verifying that your practice questions are dependable, applicable to the CMRP exam, and current is important. By utilizing trusted CMRP study materials and official sources, you can acquire comprehensive CMRP practice questions to enhance your exam preparation effectively.

By joining PetroSync CMRP training course, you can gain access to CMRP mockup tests that go beyond just familiarizing yourself with the questions. Our training provides an opportunity to enhance your understanding of the CMRP exam material.

Along with practicing the exam questions, you will delve into comprehensive content comprehension, enabling you to strengthen your knowledge and skills in preparation for the CMRP certification exam. Take the next step in your CMRP certification journey. Enroll in CMRP Training today and equip yourself with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the CMRP exam with PetroSync!

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