What if the Insurance Company Delays or Denies Payment?

What if the Insurance Company Delays or Denies Payment

If the insurance company delays or denies payment, you can gather evidence, get help from a personal injury lawyer, and fight for compensation. Insurance companies often delay or deny payment after a car accident claim is filed. If this frustrating situation has happened to you, there are a few things you can do to fight for fair compensation.

Our team is ready to help you build your case. If the insurance company delays or denies payment, you are not alone in your fight for a fair case outcome.

Delays and Denials Are Common Insurance Company Tactics

The entire purpose of auto insurance companies is to cover accident-related costs after a crash. However, insurance companies are just like any other company in that they want to maximize their profits. This includes reducing the amount they pay to car accident victims.

Auto insurance companies may use many different tactics to avoid large payouts – even if the claimant is rightfully owed a payout. For example, an insurance company may drag out a claim for months, hoping that the claimant will stop fighting for a fair payout.

Insurance companies may even deny a claim altogether. In some cases, the insurance company has a valid reason to deny a claim. However, there are also situations in which valid claims are denied for no reason.

Examples of Tactics Used by Insurance Companies

Insurance companies may intentionally make the process of filing a claim and recovering compensation difficult. Here are just some of the examples of actions an insurance company may take to procrastinate paying you what you are owed:

What You Can Do if an Insurance Company Uses Stalling Tactics

Insurance companies cannot simply delay a claim forever. Each state has laws about how an insurance company must act. If an insurance company acts in bad faith to intentionally delay payment for a valid claim, there are a few things you can do. You may have options to:

For example, if you were involved in a car accident, you may try to file an insurance claim for the money you need. If the insurance company does not provide you with an appropriate settlement, our team can work with you to sue the liable party or the insurance company.

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Filing Suit After Your Insurance Claim Is Denied

There are some valid reasons to deny an insurance claim, but insurance companies also deny claims even if the person deserves compensation. For example, the insurance company may say that your injuries were preexisting and did not occur because of the accident or that you were not covered by the policy.

If you find that the insurance company is refusing to pay fair value of your case during pre-suit negotiations, you can proceed to file a lawsuit to get the compensation you’re entitled to.

Gather Information and Evidence

Being told that your claim has little or no value when you are dealing with the aftermath of an accident can be extremely frustrating. Fortunately, you have options. First, find a personal injury lawyer with experience in the field.

Experienced lawyers will help you gather evidence to support your claim, such as police reports, medical records, video and photographic evidence, and witness statements. Your lawyer can help you find as much evidence as possible to bolster your claim.

Fight for the Compensation You Need and Deserve

An attorney can be very helpful if you were denied a payout from an insurance company. Your lawyer can draft a demand letter calling for the insurance company to defend its claim denial. This shows the insurance company that you are not going to back down.

Your lawyer’s job is to fight on your behalf during this process and try to get you fair compensation.

Call Us for Help if The Insurance Company Delays or Denies Payment

Going through an accident is bad enough, and now you are dealing with an uncooperative insurance company.

If this situation sounds familiar, contact the attorneys at Jenner Law. We can help you gather evidence, and demand fair compensation. Give us a call today to learn more. Your initial consultation is free, and you will owe us nothing until we win or settle your case.